Biochar (5L)


Availability: 8 in stock


Permanently boost your garden’s soil with sustainable and locally made biochar, which stores water, nutrients and hosts microbes in your soil.


Biochar also combats climate change by sequestering carbon captured by plants in biochar that will last for hundreds, if not thousands, of years in the soil. This biochar is made locally from unused branches from felled trees, using simple hand tools and no fossil fuels (except for transport).

Biochar is wood and other organic matter that has been charred (turned into charcoal) and used as a soil amendment. It is the carbon skeleton of the wood, left behind after all the gases have burned off, and its honeycomb structure creates a massive surface area to hold water, nutrients and microbes, just like a charcoal filter. One teaspoon of biochar can have the same surface area as a 1 hectare football field! Imagine how many calcium ions can fit, one layer thick, on one hectare….


Sifted to 1cm particle size.

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